What is Nature Based - Hiking Therapy?

As we step outdoors, our senses instantly sharpen. We open ourselves to the sights, smells and sounds of our natural environment. This natural healing-scape is ideal for health and well-being.
Nature based therapy is psychotherapy that takes place in a natural environment, or “healing-scape.” It involves a therapeutic process that takes place step-by-step and out of doors.
Depending on an individual’s unique needs, it can include:
Relaxation skills, grounding, deep breathing, mindfulness
Personal growth and self-discovery
Healthy coping skills including that are practiced with the therapist through walk-and talk-therapy. This is “traditional psychotherapy” that takes place out-of-doors.
Mindfulness based walking and/or hiking – the movement process opens up the mind and body for increased awareness, creativity and healing
Increased mind-body awareness as a means of deeper stress relief and relaxation.
Deep cleansing breath work to enhance present moment awareness, and improve concentration.
The nature based-hiking therapy is a group process takes us on a local nature path. Hugged by the mountains overlooking the sea, we will come to a place of stillness. With mindfulness, we will focus
together on the paths and directions each one of us wants our lives to take. As a small group, we will help each other to support and clarify these visions.
Hiking Therapy will calm the stress and anxiety we feel when facing the desire to make meaningful changes in life. It is also a wonderful form of self-care. It is fun and feels great!
This benefits individuals and groups. Nature based therapeutic retreats are also available for business groups, promoting team building and wellness.